"Coffee descends from a plume of 

neon vapor onto a dreary and beleaguered city. 

We bask in it, and wish to join it. 

It speaks our name concisely. 

We do a small dance.

It nods. 

All is well, for now.  


Here at CRC headquarters we love coffee a stupid amount. Coffee taught us about community, respect and passion. It taught us to stand up to authority, and oppose evil. It taught us about the myriad of hands stretching back through history that have touched it and formed it, for ill and for good. Also it’s got that coffee flavor… You know the one we mean. 

So we launched a small venture to talk, experience and joke about the beverage that keeps us entranced. Every little bit of income generated here through the banal lens of capitalism will help pay our rents but also it will make sure we never have to retire to the set course of coffee consulting that befalls most career coffee roasters. We want all our info and advice to remain free, so that anyone who feels the same way about coffee can slide into the DMs and receive whatever help they need. 

No Coffee Secrets. No Roaster Ego.



Noah and Lilith